Set, Light & Costume Design
[Qualification project for obtain the Set Design Degree]
Carnival Tuesday and others monstrosities (Del martes de carnaval y otros esperpentos) by Ramón del Valle Inclán
Stage director: Martín Acosta
Teatro Salvador Novo, CNA
July 1998
Work description: This theatrical play was the project in which I obtained my university degree in Set Design. The programme in my last semester included working together with the Acting Career and professional stage directors.
In this case the stage director chose the play's writer: a Spanish writer named Ramón del Valle Inclán. He is known for inventing the theatrical term "esperpento", which refers to the ugly, untidy, and bizarre characteristics in people, and the circumstances that usually accompany this type of personalities.
The idea was to create a space which looks decadent, and at the same time had to include an indoor/outdoor sensation. I decided to use square-shaped styrofoam blocks to resemble clay-bricks in the walls. With this material the light reflected and coloured really well.