Lighting Design
Dagar i Warszawa (Days in Warszawa) by Vera Berzak
Stage Director: Vera Berzak
Composer / Musician: Ida Gillner
Actresses: Emeli Jansson and Anette Sevreus
Cinnober Teater
Gothenburg, Sweden
May 2022
Project description: A war is going on right now. Entire cities are destroyed, people are murdered and many are forced to flee for their lives.
We see people leaving their homes to protect their children despite the knowledge that they are leaving their family and those they love behind.
History repeats itself.
In 1943, a woman is forced to climb over a wall with her son, because she knows that if she stays in the ghetto, they will not survive. Under a false identity, she does everything to save the person who means more to her than life itself.
This is a story among many others that we must never forget.
The play is based on an autobiography published in 1983 by Zofia Brzezinska, where she tells about her experiences from the Warsaw ghetto during World War II.
Work description: The lighting design has a strong red wall that means all the unnecessary blood that brought the World War II, as well as the love of all the women that changed their lives by migrating and adapting to a better life. This is complemented by the play of different areas on the stage that evoke us to different situations and periods of time.
Trailer Dagar i Warszawa:
Theatre Review: