Set Design
Dr@gastrophic (Dragastrófico), Las Vecinas de la Calle J
Stand up comedy in 6 scenes by Gabriela Camacho, Nora Coss, Araceli Nuñez, Perla Mendoza, Carmen Hernández and Aline Ross Gurrola.
Original Idea & Stage Director: Roberto García
Espacio Onírico / Teatro Bar El Bataclán / Centro Cultural de la Diversidad / Traspatio de la Condesa / Museo del Chopo
October 2012 - June 2013
Work description: For this production the challenge was to make a multifunctional scenic element which could play as a furniture piece, car, counter, game show element, and bar. Besides this, it needed to be also practical for moving and transporting. Therefore I designed a furniture with customizable coloured light in the front, while the back had an open design with shelves.
The coloured light from the furniture helped to change the atmosphere drastically: the game show used magenta whenever a game show contestant made a mistake,whereas white light referred to the car, etc. The shelves refer to the indoor spaces like house furniture and counter.
The remaining elements designed by me like a dual mirror, benches, and mannequin, also needed to be practical and simple.