Original idea, Scenography, Lighting & Costume Design and Executive Production
Jakten på Norrskenet (The hunt for the Northern Lights)
Original Idea / Scenography / Lighting & Costume Design: Diblik Rabía
Dramaturgy: Flavia Gresores Lew
Stage director: Mireille Leblanc
Actress: Karin Lycke
Translation into Swedish: Adriana Aires Rastén
Translation to English: Gustavo Walker
Graphic Design: Martha Sanchez
Sound design / Video: Guest Platform
Photo: Mireille Leblanc & Diblik Rabia
Production: Possibilittas
With the support of Bertil and Britt Svensson Foundation for Lighting Technology, Göteborg Stad & Skogen.
Cinnober Teater
Gothenburg, Sweden
Work in progress May 2021
Premiere: August 2021
In december 2021, the play was selected for the children's theater cultural program KuBo of Göteborg Stad. In March 2022, we presented 10 performances in 5 different spaces: Frölunda Kulturhuset, Vingen, Blå Stället, Musikhus & Cinnober Teater.
Currently we are working on the version and scenic montage into Spanish
Project description: The project is grounded in the concept of an immersive theatre. This is a form of contemporary performance that allows having a different connection with the audience and the use of the space among other things. This type of theatre will allow children to move freely, ask, talk, sit, and touch. And if they do not want to stay until the end, they are of course free to go.
It also means that such a performance can be taken out from its traditional (theatre) context, and that it could be presented in for example museums, alternative spaces (culture house, exhibition spaces), and/or rooms (public libraries) that cover the basic technical characteristics.
This project will focus specifically on children between 4 to 7 years old. The objective is that engages the younger audience in how people can reduce their environmental impact in everyday life in different ways.
Disaster! The Northern Lights are gone!
No, not like a lost sock. The Northern Lights have lost all their luster, as it is no longer possible to see the city's bright light. All the lights have made the northern lights disappear.
Professor Mustasch, a professional search scientist, and her colleague Solstråle, are commissioned to find the northern lights and restore their magnificent splendor. And for this important mission, they need our help.
Together we go on a organic journey of discovery in the magical world of the Arctic, with glaciers, snow and cold. How do we stay warm? Are there polar bears? And how do we find the northern lights when it is completely dark?
Trailer Jakten på Norrskenet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEV-eQ_cPyc
The “click song” from the performance: https://youtu.be/Ty9RdzSBTS4